Friday 9 January 2009

Dancing Warrior I

This week we have been gently stretching the body after the Christmas break to improve our flexibility. We tried a variation on Virabhadrasana I - Warrior I pose. It is good for balance, works the shoulders and hips, and helps the legs become stronger and more flexible.

Dancing Warrior I - Step One

Bring your hands into Namaste the prayer position with the thumbs in line with the sternum, elbows out, careful to keep your shoulders down and soft.

Then raise your hands into cactus. Arms are in line with your shoulders, elbows are bent so your wrists are above the elbows, extend up into fingers.
Then take the hands back to prayer position, thumbs in line with the breast bone again.

Repeat this co-ordinating the movements with your breath:
Breathe out in Namaste.

Breathe in to the cactus position.

Tip: check yourself out in the mirror, you’ll be surprised what your arms and hands are doing.

Dancing Warrior – Part Two

Stand in Tadasana at the back of your mat

Place your hands on your hips and step forward with the Right foot. Keep your spine long and upright.

Press the back heal into the mat or support (see tip below)
Tips: Draw the right hip back so the hips become level.
It is ok to turn the back foot out a little and if
your heal comes off the mat pop a block or blanket under it so you have something to press

You could stand in front of a wall and have your heal against the wall to help stability.

Bring the hands to Namaste the prayer position.

Engage the quadracep muscles to lift up the knee caps, being careful not to over extend in the back of the knees.
Lift up from the pelvic floor drawing your
abdomen in.

Breathe in and take the arms out to the sides in cactus and at the same time bending the front knee. (see tip below)

Breathe out straightening out the front leg and bringing the hands back to Namaste.

Tips: Don’t let the knee extend over the foot, keep it
in line over the ankle.

Work with your breath 5 times to each leg.

Once you have worked one side, step the back leg forward and stand tall in Tadasana and breathe. Enjoy the benefits of the pose. Then return to the back of your mat to repeat the pose on the other side.

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